These royals were educated in the United Kingdom

After months of speculation, it was recently announced that Princess Alexia would be moving to London for her studies. She is not the first royal to choose the United Kingdom to study. You can read which royal family preceded him in this article.

In the new school year, Princess Alexia will move to London, where she will receive her bachelor’s degree. Science & Engineering for Social Change It’s going to follow University College in London. This isn’t the first time the princess has chosen the United Kingdom as her home base, having previously earned her International Bachelor’s degree. UWC Atlantic College In Wales. This royal family studied before her and in the United Kingdom.

#1 King Willem-Alexander

Could Princess Alexia have been inspired by her own father, King Willem-Alexander? While he was a prince, he also earned an International Baccalaureate in Wales at the same school. In 1985 he was allowed to sign his eligibility paper.

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September 5, 1983: Prince Willem-Alexander arrives with his parents at the College of the Atlantic in Wales.

#2 King Philip

The UK is also a popular study destination among our southern neighbours. In 1988, Prince Philip went to spend a term at Oxford Trinity College from Oxford University.

#3 Princess Elizabeth

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree for the King of Belgium and his daughter. Princess Elizabeth, King Philip’s eldest daughter, followed her father to England. Like Princess Alexia, she first trained there Atlantic College In Wales. He then completed three years of study there History & Politics For that Lincoln College At Oxford. He received his diploma in June this year in front of his entire family. For Elizabeth, her overseas adventure was far from over after this training. She leaves after summer vacation Harvard University He completed a two-year post-graduate course in Boston, USA Public policy will follow.

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In 2021, Princess Elisabeth of Belgium will begin her studies at Oxford University.

#4 Princess Laurentian

In the late 1980s, long before Princess Laurentian met Prince Constantijn, she too left for London for her studies. She achieved it Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Queen Mary College.

#5 Princess Leonore

Princess Leonor of Spain received an International Baccalaureate degree Atlantic College In Wales in 2023, the same year Princess Alexia graduated.

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August 30, 2021: Princess Leonor poses for a photo as she arrives at the College of the Atlantic in Wales.

#6 Princess Sofia

In 2023, Princess Sofia will follow her sister Leonor to Wales to receive her International Baccalaureate. He is expected to complete his training next year.

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Princess Sophia leaves her parents’ home to study in Wales.

#7 Queen Sofia

Princesses Leonor and Sofia’s grandmother, Queen Sofia, were also educated in the United Kingdom. He studied there in the 1960s Fitzwilliam College in Cambridge. He received an honorary doctorate from the same university in 1988.

#8 Crown Prince Haakon

Shortly after marrying Mette-Marit in 2001, the Crown Prince of Norway moved to the United Kingdom to study. London School of Economics. He received his master’s degree in it Development studies.

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2002: Crown Prince Haakon poses at the London School of Economics.

#9 Crown Princess Mette-Marit

Haakon’s wife, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, also studied in London. She took courses in School of Oriental and African Studies He took exams at the University of London, among others Principles of Development.

#10 Queen Margrethe

Long before she became Queen, the young Princess Margrethe spent a year at a boarding school in Hampshire. Later he returned to the United Kingdom and studied Prehistoric archaeology at the University of Cambridge.


1969: Queen Margrethe on her bicycle at Kirton College, University of Cambridge.

Image: ANB

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