It’s time to take care of that head in addition to these 10 steps Skin care routine Which you do every day.
How are you?
How often do you ask another person: “How are you really doing?” But have you ever asked yourself that? Your mental health deserves just as much attention as your body. And because you don’t have to face this alone, Maybelline and Brave have teamed up to make mental health a topic of conversation. What exactly do they do with the initiative? Brave together? Consider workshops and talks that teach you how to better manage that inner chaos. And what’s better? You can simply participate for free.
Get rid of that sound
during Mental health workshops That these organizations organize together, you don’t just get the theory. Here you will learn how to recognize that critical voice in your head and do something about it. Whether you’re struggling with stress, struggling with your self-image, or simply need more peace of mind, you’ll be provided with practical tools you can use right away. Experienced mental health coaches will guide you step by step. Ambassador Zoe Turan is also assisting in this matter. The singer wrote her latest work He releases ‘The last time I cry‘ Especially for this cooperation and leave with Her music and personal story show that you can never be alone. After this workshop, you will gain a number of new ideas and tools.
Lend a helping hand
We all know how hard it is to help someone when they aren’t feeling well. What do you say, and what do you not say? during Courageous conversations You will learn how to deal with such a situation. There are no standard answers, but real, practical tips for engaging in deeper conversations. this talks Developed specifically for young people, they can be provided on request in schools, for example. This way we take the first step together to help each other more often.
However, one thing is clear: you are not alone. This is a good thing, because this way we can help each other. here You can register for one of the talks or workshops.