Yes! Jennifer Lopez releases new music and movie

Good news everyone Jennifer LopezFans! The singer announces that she will be releasing music again after a long time. In February we can expect a new album and a true feature film about greatness.

I’m still Jenny from the block

We took a little leap when we heard we had it Favorite of all time I entered the studio again. Jennifer’s new album is called This is me…now It will be released on February 16. The name of the album is inspired by JLo’s album “It’s me…so.”which was released in 2002. A great way for fans to enjoy her music for a while Fast forward To celebrate again! The album was written and produced by the singer herself, along with a producer and others Roger the martyr.

Although fans still have to be patient before listening to the new album Repeats The preview will be released on January 10. Then comes the first song of the album “I can’t get enough” Out, and hopefully this title will be a harbinger for the entire album!


However, the album isn’t the only thing we’re dealing with after a long period of radio silence. On the same day the album was released, a real-life film about the singer was released titled “This is me…now: the movie‘. This is inspired by the music of her new album, but it is also about the singer’s love life, who is of course married to her great love. Ben Affleck. The film is directed by Dave Myersis being released worldwide and promises to be an extravagant visual and musical feast with impressive choreography, star cameos, costumes, sets and cringe-worthy visuals. We are curious!

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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