► Britain’s Prince William criticizes BBC: ‘You contributed to Diana’s fear, paranoia and isolation’

Watch Prince William’s announcement here:

In November, an investigation began into the 1995 “Panorama” interview in which Diana told journalist Martin Bashir about Charles and Camilla’s relationship and her eating disorder. According to Diana’s brother Charles, Bashir falsified bank statements to persuade the princess to cooperate. That investigation was confirmed on Thursday, though it also became clear that BBC executives knew of the deception but did nothing about it. Since then, both the BBC and Martin Bashir have apologized.

indescribable sadness

“It is my view that the disingenuous manner in which this interview was conducted had a significant impact on what my mother said at the time,” Prince William said in a statement. The interview contributed to the deterioration of my parents’ relationship. Since then, the interview has harmed countless others as well. It brings me indescribable sadness to know that the BBC’s flaws contributed to the fear, paranoia and isolation that I remember in recent years with it.”

“Diana was let down not only by a rogue reporter, but also by BBC executives who looked the other way instead of asking tough questions,” continues William. “These omissions, reported by investigative journalists, failed not only my mother and my family, but also the public.”

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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