10 Breathtaking Natural ‘Fairytale Tunnels’ | Good news | Happy News

Summer is approaching and we are thinking again about vacations to beautiful exotic places and cities that offer amazing experiences. But sometimes we forget that the best memories are created in special places that are not touched by people. Usually when Mother Earth allows her to take her course, she can find the most beautiful works she is fully responsible for.

Still not sure? Take a look at these magical wooden canopies and natural tunnels made of ancient trees, hard shrubs and colorful flowers – they are found all over the world. Might be one of your next vacation spots?

1. Wisteria Mine – Japan

At the end of April and the beginning of May, the Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu (Japan) become a magical fairytale. During the “Fuji Matsuri” or “Blue Rain Festival”, Japanese wisteria blooms in full bloom, creating a beautiful procession through the gardens. Wisteria is a woody shrub belonging to the genus Pulses.

2. Dark Hedges – Ireland


One of the most photographed landscapes is in Northern Ireland. The ‘Dark Hedges’ are a row of peach trees – planted by the Stuart family in the nineteenth century – that include the access road to Gracehill House, which has attracted visitors in the past. For more than two centuries, we are still fascinated by this natural wonder!

3. Head Francisco Alvarado Park – Costa Rica


This park cannot really be called ‘natural’ because human influence is evident here. Still, it is an attractive place. Various giant cypress bushes were cut from an imaginary world into all sorts, sometimes somewhat bizarre, shapes and creatures. For example, one can distinguish between a dinosaur, an elephant, mythical creatures, funny faces and all sorts of uniquely shaped arches that can be seen together in a fairytale park.

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4. Bamboo Path – Kyoto

Zen Garden in ‘Heavenly Dragon Temple’ or ‘Tenriu-ji’ in Kyoto is an incredible natural phenomenon. Thousands of bamboo trees form a long and winding natural tunnel through the Zen garden. Surprisingly, part of the temple was rebuilt after being burned down a long time ago, but the Zen garden has continued to grow uninterrupted since it was planted.

5. de Lapernem Arch – Wales

In Wales, the National Trust owns the Potent Garden, one of the most spectacular and acclaimed gardens. The garden houses the Labyrinth Arch, a 55-meter-long winding walkway that will be completely covered by the lush and beautiful ‘layer’ of Labyrinth’s long yellow flowers from late May to early June.

6. Kyongwa Railway Station – South Korea


Every year – in April – a cherry blossom festival or ‘Jinhe Kunhangje’ is organized in South Korea. During this special event, thousands of cherry trees can be admired throughout the Xinhe District, but one of the favorites is the 800 meter long cherry trees that run on both sides of the track from Kyongwa Railway Station.

7. Jakaranda Trees – South Africa

Jakaranda-South Africa

Pretoria, the capital of South Africa, is also known as the ‘Jakaranda City’ because of the long rows of these trees found on the streets with their purple flowers. Seen from the nearby mountains, the city appears blue / purple during the flowering season because of the many jacaranda trees. Legend has it that when a flower from the Jagaranta tree falls on your head, you will pass all your exams. The flowering period corresponds to the year-end exams of the University of Pretoria.

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8. Mine of Poisonous Trees – England


Many mines of poisonous trees are known in England. One of these is in Watlington, Oxfordshire. According to the National Trust – a charity dedicated to the protection of forests and parks in the UK – it is very unusual to see poisonous trees growing on limestone. These particular trees form the tunnel as the southwesterly wind blows from the open spaces.

9. Mine of Love – Ukraine


In the depths of the forest one finds a beautiful green tunnel located in the city of Klevan in Ukraine, through which runs a private railroad that supplies firewood to a nearby local factory. As you walk through this beautiful leaf tunnel, imagine yourself in a dream or in a scene of a ‘secret garden’. With an almost 3 km long tunnel, this unusual place in Eastern Europe is a popular attraction for romantic couples.

10. De Maple Wood Mine – Oregon, USA


In the fall, when the maples lose their leaves, St. Louis, Oregon, witnesses an incredibly beautiful color palette. The deep red color of the maple leaves creates an unforgettable tunnel and carpet of leaves, a beautiful design of Mother Earth.

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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