6 x free movies about mental health on this streaming service

Psychological health

Hannah Verboom has been working to break the taboo around mental health for some time now. In 2014, Verboom founded the streaming service Cinetree. “It’s a film club with a mission. Every month we curate a selection of the best films and documentaries. What makes us different from other streaming services is that we use the proceeds to produce impactful films and documentaries that focus on mental health, climate and diversity.

Central to this is that we believe more hopeful stories can be shared. We often talk about what’s not right in the world, but when we talk about making sure we can change things, it starts with shining a light on what’s right.

The poignant documentaries they make with the proceeds are free. “And it is available to everyone.”

Free Movies and Documentaries

Cinetree is now offering six movies for free from June 28 to July 7. This way the audience can enjoy the modern classic the perks of being a wallflower,documentary crazy Which illustrates how psychological differences are dealt with in the West compared to other places in the world, such as the French. No, it doesn’t matter Which puts mental health among young people in the spotlight, Dark Horse And Why Intranquil? Both shed light on life with bipolar disorder, and the moving documentary Eternal memory About the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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