British fishing boat license seized by the French | Abroad

France seized a British fishing boat last night and Another fishing boat has been warned near Le Havre. According to France, British boats are not allowed to fish in French waters as a result of Brexit. But according to the British authorities, the boat had a permit and was allowed to fish off the French coast of Le Havre.

Britain’s Environment Minister George Eustice said he did not know why the boat had been impounded. “It is not true that we were late in issuing the permits. This boat was also on the list that was handed over to the European Union.

The dispute between France and Great Britain over the fishing waters continues to grow. On Wednesday, Paris tried to apply pressure They threaten to impose sanctions that could take effect from November 2. For example, France could introduce more border controls for British products. Eustis said today that he doesn’t feel like nagging each other all the time, “but if threats continue, we’ll respond.”

France’s European Affairs Minister Clement Bonn said his country must now speak strong language. “That’s all this British government seems to understand,” Boone told CNews in response to the latest incident.

Eustice is now pressing for a de-escalation of the conflict. The French also said they wanted to continue talks about territorial waters. The two countries accuse each other of breaching agreements made around Britain’s exit from the European Union.

A British government spokesman announced, Thursday, that in connection with the French threats, London will summon the French ambassador to the British capital.

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Tensions between the French and the British over fishing rights are escalating again

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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