Britain threatens legal action against France in fishing dispute

If France does not stop making threats against the UK in the fishing dispute within 48 hours, legal action will be followed. British Foreign Secretary Truss warns of this.

Since the UK’s exit from the European Union, French fishermen have been required to obtain a license to fish in UK waters. The French say they are not getting enough permits. France has announced stricter controls on goods imported from the UK from tomorrow.

In addition, the French threaten actions on the energy supply of the British Channel Islands. Jersey and Guernsey, among other islands, are highly dependent on France for their electricity supply.

For their part, the British say that licenses for French fishing boats have already been granted. “The French have acted unfairly,” Truss told Sky News. She believes that France is not abiding by the trade agreement. “And if one behaves unfairly, the other has the right to take action. And that is what we will do if the French do not back down.”

boat on chain

The French said the conflict came to a head last week when France imposed sanctions on two British fishing boats for fishing without permits in French waters. One of these boats was arrested. The other boat was fined for not allowing the French authorities to board it.

British Environment Minister Eustice denied the licenses were not valid and said the boats were on a list of license holders being transferred to the European Union.

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Megan Vasquez

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