Joe Biden appears to be sleeping while giving his speeches at the Climate Summit | Instagram news VTM

Air Force One landed in Edinburgh today. Biden was already in Europe, attending the G-20 summit in Rome last weekend.

But it was clearly a tiring journey. The president had a rough time at one point during the opening speeches of the Climate Summit. The video, taken by Washington Post reporter Zach Purser Brown, shows Biden repeatedly opening and closing his eyes.

At one point, his eyes remained closed for more than half a minute—until he woke up when an employee approached him.

Biden himself spoke about two o’clock in the afternoon, Belgian time. “I believe that with the growing catastrophe, there is a wonderful opportunity – not just for the United States, but for all of us,” he said during his speech.

According to the president, the next ten years will be decisive: “We meet the eyes of history on us.” He called on heads of state and government to act, saying: “We are at a turning point in world history. We have only a short time left. Glasgow should be the starting point for a decade of ambition and determination.”

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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