New single PinkPantheres & Sam Gellaitry

© CPU – Chris Stessens

It’s great to see and hear how much young and fresh talent is coming out of the other side of the channel. If those promising names also join forces, we are more than happy to showcase our musical passions. And even now, as the Pink Panthers won a gold medal at the prestigious BBC Sound Of competition earlier this year, Sam Kellaidry is one of the best finds at the new core festival. Two names to keep an eye on anyway; A thought reinforced thanks to this “picture in my mind”.

We don’t know if the UK is humming under a heatwave, but after hearing about this collaboration, temperatures there will undoubtedly rise a few degrees. It’s a summery beat that gives the whole thing an instantly catchy vibe, while Pinkpanthers’ colorful vocals draw you to the dance floor. Like the sun’s rays seeping into your ear canals, especially when the jelly is also interfering with the larynx. His reworked backing vocals appear to be the final touch to what appears to be a simple, but oh so danceable summer hit. The future looks a little brighter for both of them with this one!

The PinkPantheres are scheduled to perform at Dance Hall on Saturday, August 20 Buckelpop. A day ago she was also Dutch Lowlands.

Pink Panthers: Facebook / Instagram
Sam Kellytree: Facebook / Instagram

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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