‘China wants to silence dissidents abroad’: UK worried about secret Chinese police stations on its soil | outside

The British government said today that the possible presence of Chinese police stations operating on its soil is taken “very seriously” after revelations in the press about the activities of Chinese businessman Lin Ruyu in London. Lin’s food business will also function as an unauthorized Chinese police station.

The British newspaper The Times published an article on Tuesday about Lin Ruyu, a Chinese businessman who runs a food delivery shop in the Croydon borough of south London, which is also believed to operate as an undisclosed Chinese police station. The paper describes his ties to Britain’s ruling Conservative Party, and includes pictures of Mr Lane with former prime ministers Boris Johnson and Theresa May. The Times also claims that the Chinese businessman is close to the Chinese Communist Party. Lin denies working for China.

The Home Office said reports of “alleged undisclosed police stations in the UK are extremely concerning and are being taken very seriously”. These units will enable Chinese nationals to perform certain administrative tasks, but will also be used to detect opponents.

“Clear relations with the Chinese Communists”

“No attempt to coerce, intimidate or unlawfully return anyone will be tolerated,” Chris Phillip, the Home Office’s foreign secretary, told MPs. According to him, China and other governments are “trying to silence their critics abroad, undermine democracy and the rule of law, and advance their own geopolitical interests.”

The UK Home Office and London Police launched a preliminary investigation into the matter after Human Rights Defenders’ Protection Organization described the existence of such centers last year. The Madrid-based group’s campaign director, Laura Harth, told AFP that Lin had “clear and provable ties to the Chinese Communist Party apparatus” and called for an investigation.

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“false accusations”

In response to the New York Times article, the Chinese Embassy in London did indeed claim that it had “repeatedly stated that there are no so-called police stations abroad”. The embassy also criticized the media for publishing “false allegations”. “China adheres to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, strictly abides by international laws, and respects the sovereignty of all countries,” the statement said.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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