EU mission to help Moldova fend off Russian interference | outside

Poor Moldova is “one of the countries hardest hit by the consequences of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine,” said Josep Borrell, EU foreign policy chief. Moscow also desires to occupy Moldova, which many in the country fear, sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania. Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra has previously warned that Russia is spreading fake news, employing protesters and trying to smear opponents with so-called false flag operations. All to bring down the government and bring pro-Russian rivals to power.

And approved the foreign ministers of the European Union on the civilian mission, which has a force of forty people will continue for two years at the present time. Quarterly will take place in Moldova next month, after which the mission can officially begin on June 1. Moldova will then host the second summit of the European Political Group, with the participation of forty European countries.

look. In June 2022, Moldova and Ukraine officially became candidate countries for membership in the European Union

The foreign ministers also approved a new arsenal of sanctions specifically targeting those who challenge Moldova’s independence and democracy. They would like to use it, for example, against pro-Russian oligarchs who are considering a power grab.

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Denton Watson

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