For these reasons, daydreaming is good for your mental health

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming? So you are healthy! Daydreaming has a number of great mental benefits.

Chris Griffiths and Carragh Middlecott

according to Chris Griffith And Midlicott Garageauthors Creative Thinking HandbookCreativity is now a kind of “mystical force,” as they say barber. “Everyone wants more creativity, but many don’t know how to get it. And fortunately, daydreaming is a surefire way to fire up all those creative cogs in your head.”

In a study from the University of Calgary – conducted by Julia Cam Daydreaming is said to be associated with creativity. “Daydreaming increases alpha waves in the frontal cortex of the brain, which are often associated with increased creativity.”

Crucially, this study was conducted on participants performing daily tasks. The Creative Mind was only applied when the participants were daydreaming in a “freewheeling” manner. Therefore, anxiety and worry about the past are no longer relevant in this matter,” she says. say the authors. These results don’t lie.

Helps solve your problems

First of all, daydreaming can help solve your problems. You usually want to run away from the problem, and daydreaming definitely allows you to do that, according to the study. “It often seems that the more you suffer, the more stuck you are,” Griffiths and Medlicott explain. What could be better than finding out break Can you help solve your problem? “

“Another groundbreaking study from the University of British Columbia found that when we daydream, our brains actually light up with activity,” they explained. “Daydreaming allows us to activate many parts of our brain at the same time, which makes it a great advantage for making connections. So daydreaming can provide the solution you’re ‘unconsciously’ looking for.”

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Reduces stress and anxiety

Another benefit of daydreaming is that it reduces stress and anxiety. “When our thoughts focus on the outside world — which can lead to a flood of demands and stress — we sometimes tend to associate this state with ourselves,” the authors explain. “So it’s not surprising that daydreaming has the opposite effect.”

Gentlemen say this is from a study conducted by a psychologist Kalina Christopher I found that daydreaming can help remove the effects of stress and anxiety. “Daydreaming is important to give our minds room to breathe,” they state. “But when we are stressed, our brain tends to identify and focus on negative thoughts. This drains our mental energy again. The best way to ease things is to just daydream a little more.”

It brings you closer to your goals

In addition, daydreaming can help move you closer to your goals. “We usually associate daydreaming with ‘dreaming away about our work that will ultimately help us achieve our goals,’ but when incorporated into a good routine, meaningful daydreaming can have the opposite effect,” says Elsada. Do you daydream on purpose? Then, visualizing your goals can help you achieve them.

Remember information faster

Griffiths and Medlicott say a study by Psychological Science shows that daydreamers actually do better at remembering various information. In fact, the study suggests that daydreaming can be particularly beneficial for your working memory (information you need to store for a short period of time), which means you’re less likely to go in and forget what you came for. You have more time. to be creative.”

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gives you peace

Finally, daydreaming is of course a perfect way to give your mind some rest. Griffiths and Medlicott give an example: “A laptop that is left on too long will overheat. A phone that is not charging will not charge itself. The same logic can also be applied to our brains,” they say.

Although we do sometimes, humans are not forced to work endlessly without interruption. So giving yourself some breathing space is very important. In fact, a study from Microsoft showed that those who take regular breaks maintain better levels of neurological function. And that while those who don’t – because of the buildup – can experience stress in the brain.”

Source: designer | Photo: Averie WoOdard (Unsplash)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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