Jan Baclantis admires Jumbo-Visma’s clever nutritional strategy: “A dream for every rider” | Cycling

In cycling, search for marginal gain more and more important. Proper nutrition also plays an important role on the path to success. “Nobody questions the added value of the scientific approach,” said former cyclist Jan Baklants yesterday at Vive le Velo.

Anyone who thinks about science and race will soon end up with Jumbo-Visma. Meanwhile, the Dutch formation has also established itself as a leader in cycling in terms of nutrition. For example, the team has developed its own nutrition app, Foodcoach.

“In terms of nutrition, everything has been gaining momentum in recent years. Jumbo-Visma was the first to do so and we are now trying to maintain that lead,” said Ien Vitse, Wout van Aert’s team nutritionist and chef.

“It’s every racer’s dream to end up on such a team. They’re very scientific about it,” Baklantis admitted admiringly.

In the field of nutrition, everything has been gaining momentum in recent years.

Ien Vitse, nutritionist and chef at Jumbo-Visma

At Jumbo-Visma, taste is still central.

According to Jan Bakelants, Jumbo-Visma’s success also lies in part in the precise way the team calculates each rider’s resting energy consumption.

“In this way, this information is also correctly included in the calculation of the general algorithm,” the analyst explained.

“Although, of course, it remains arithmetic and not black and white,” Vitsey added. If a rider says he’s still hungry after his balanced meal, you need to take that feedback into consideration.”

“At Jumbo-Visma, we also understand that taste must remain central. Many teams have a separate dietitian and chef, and communication can sometimes go wrong. Since I’m both, I can pull everything together.”

Read more below the image.

Yesterday Jan Bacilants, Ine Vetsy and Johann Museeuw sat at the table with Karl.

Riders who come from another team are questioned immediately.

“Often there’s already another chef who wants to prove himself and then uses some extra butter because it’s simply tastier. Then of course the whole train derails,” Baklantis noted.

“At Jumbo-Visma, they also channel their recruit well for this. New riders are immediately asked if they’ll be stopped by their way of doing it. They also understand that one dissenting sound can cause doubts about philosophy.”

The great advantage for passengers is that everything is now being done for them.

Ien Vitse, nutritionist and chef at Jumbo-Visma

Since nutrition plays such an important role in racing these days, teams also try to learn as quickly as possible. “People often look at the fence,” Baklantis explained.

“The riders who come from another team are questioned right away. How did it go with their previous team and where progress can be made.”

“The great advantage for passengers is that everything is now done for them. They just have to eat their meal according to the calculations and then trust that this is the amount their body needs,” concluded Vitsey.

The average cycling tourist also received two important nutritional tips from Ien Vitse.

“First make sure the basics are right and I mean that food triangle Which you already learned in the first year. In addition, you definitely do not need to be afraid carbohydrates in sport.”

Watch the two excerpts from Vive le velo:

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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