How can you erase old photos easily? This app can do that (and more app tips)

MyHeritage is known as a platform where you can set up a family tree. Recently an additional service has been added: using the Reimagine application, it is possible to scan entire pages from old photo albums.

It is then possible to apply all kinds of operations to the images, such as enhancement and sharpening. AI can also be used to colorize and even animate images. This way your deceased grandfather can suddenly smile at you. the p itself is free, Subscription required for all options.

Other application tips this month:

Track progress

The new year often begins with good intentions and goals. But how can you provide insight into the situation? There are apps that track Yearly Progress for both Android and Apple devices. From simple countdowns to actual recording of progress towards goals. You can turn it into a tool and put it on your screen to confront yourself with purpose every day. Or countdown to the next holiday.

search in Google Apps Or in App Store On annual progress

Five-minute notes

Keeping a diary has positive effects, according to psychology. For example, gratitude journals are on the rise. “Five Minute Journal” allows you to easily recognize the positive things in your life every day. Moreover, the app provides a daily quote that can also appear as a widget on your phone screen and there are tips for a conscious life. The app is an initiative of a company that produces inspirational notebooks, diaries and books.

search in Google Apps Or in App Store In 5 minutes magazine

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Boundaries at work

The Movisie Knowledge Institute has launched a free web application: “Boundaries in Action”. This app helps recognize and discuss inappropriate behavior in the workplace. It can be used to evaluate the situation. The user also receives specific tips on how to start a conversation. The goal is to reduce and prevent sexual misconduct in the workplace.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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