The bridge between policy and research

In addition, the site provides an overview of the names and contact details of colleagues active in a specific health topic. This makes it easier to work together to improve the health and well-being of all residents of South Holland. This is essential: the province of Zuid Holland, on average, has the lowest healthy life expectancy in the Netherlands, and health differences are the largest here as well. is developed by the Healthy Community Program of the Delta Medical University, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus and the Province of Zuid-Holland.

– Identify local and regional differences

On you will find interactive maps at the municipal, district and district levels. These maps allow the local situation to be mapped (by health topic) based on key figures. You can also make a comparison with the situation in other municipalities, which may or may not be comparable in certain aspects and may lead to a collective exchange about conditions and policy options. For example, the Integrated Cancer Center Netherlands (IKNL) is currently exploring whether it is possible to create a link between the IKNL interactive digital atlas and the interactive maps of The so-called Cancer Atlas shows how regions score relative to the national average for 24 types of cancer.

Until now is updated by the project team in different ways: all data sources are updated when new data becomes available, and inputs are collected during meetings with scientists, policy makers, GGDs and health professionals from the Netherlands network. New successful interventions are also regularly added to the site.

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Are you or would you like to work on health topics such as exercise, noise, health differences, green spaces and health, air quality, mental health, social cohesion and the food environment? go to And join the network. Also follow Health community center On LinkedIn or Participate to Health Community Newsletter For updates from the Healthy Community Program.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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