A health disaster threatens: “The prosperity of the Netherlands will be at risk if the government does not put health first”

“If the community does not quickly show decisiveness and work intensively together for longer, healthier lives, prosperity in the Netherlands will be at risk,” says the Society of Mutual Health Funds (SGF).

According to the association, the 22 affiliated health funds, including KWF, the Brain Foundation and the Diabetes Fund, are calling on the business community, governments, social organizations and healthcare to accelerate the approach to improving public health. They believe that health “should be the starting point for all government policies, not just the Department of Health, Social Care and Sport.”

Unhealthy life is cheaper..

The association says unhealthy living is now easier and often less expensive, and the living environment and climate are deteriorating due to unhealthy air and pollution. An aging population is also putting pressure on health care, which is already understaffed.

“…and this will cost us dearly.”

All these developments are not only miserable for those directly affected by them, but they also become costly for society as a whole. “Reduced healthy life years are not only bad for people themselves, but for our entire society; poor health costs us dearly, reduces participation in society and causes staff shortages. In the long term, this health catastrophe will threaten our prosperity.”

A statement of improvement will be submitted to Cabinet on Monday.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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