Steam gamers have spent at least $1.9 billion on games they’ve never played

Many will recognize it, and it’s a very low-priced game on Steam that you can’t ignore, even if you didn’t intend to buy or play this game in the first place. From the site investigation Computer GamesNIt turns out that Steam gamers have so far spent a total of $1.9 billion on games they’ve never played.

The study is based on the SteamIDFinder database and just 73 million public Steam profiles. That’s just a small sample of the actual number of users. In fact, the $1.9 billion figure would appear to be higher if all closed accounts were included as well.

The 73 million public accounts spent a total of $1.9 billion on games that were never even released. So these games were purchased and then nothing was done to them, never played or tried. According to PCGamesN’s calculations, if all the accounts were counted, the total would be around $19 billion. This is a rough estimate based on the actual number of accounts on Steam.

It’s not clear if $19 billion is an accurate figure. As for the amount of money wasted on Steam on games that are never played, the $1.9 billion for general accounts is a fact and an interesting statistic. It’s clear that gamers spend a lot of money on games and many of them never get started. If we divide $1.9 billion by 73 million users, that comes to $26 wasted per Steam user.


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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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