6 important questions about breast health

Pink Month, or October, is all about breast cancer. Especially awareness of this incredibly bad disease. Your duty? Take a close look at your breasts!

Sometimes you don’t notice anything, but in some cases you can detect breast cancer on your own. That’s why it’s important to know the natural shape and feel of your breasts. This makes it easier to recognize when something changes. The new Pink Ribbon campaign (in collaboration with Becel) encourages women to talk about breasts and self-examine. What is normal and do you know what to pay attention to?

1. When do you examine your breasts?

Most women experience this at some point: sore or tender breasts during menstruation. Did you know that this is due to fluctuations in your hormones? In the first half of your cycle, when estrogen is low, your breasts often feel more elastic. Once you ovulate, estrogen and progesterone start to rise, and sure enough, there are those soft, plump breasts again. So, if you want to do a self-examination, it’s helpful to do so between days 7 and 12 of your menstrual cycle, when your breasts feel less tense.

2. How do you do a good breast examination?

We all know that self-examination is important, but honestly: how often do we really do it? Maybe you feel uncomfortable or don’t know exactly what to look for. Fortunately, it’s very simple and you can examine your breasts in the shower or in front of the mirror. Look for lumps, dimpled skin, nipple changes, or simply anything that doesn’t feel normal to you. Do you feel anything fishy? Then call your doctor as soon as possible!

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3. What symptoms can breast cancer have?

Have you discovered a lump in your breast? Then you often immediately think of breast cancer. Don’t panic, the lump could also be a cyst, and there are also other symptoms to watch out for. Think about changes in the skin of your breasts, inverted nipples, or even bloody discharge. Persistent pain or swelling can also be a sign. Do you realize this or are you not sure? Leaves. He – she. Check!

4. Does breast screening change during pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant, your breasts suddenly seem to have a life of their own. They become larger and more sensitive and your nipples may even become darker. It’s pretty normal because of those hormones, but if you feel hard lumps, see a big difference between your breasts, feel extreme pain or your nipples bleed and retract, it’s definitely time to go to the doctor. During pregnancy, research can be carried out safely, for example, using ultrasound or mammography.

5. How can you examine your breasts with implants?

If you have breast implants, your self-examination may look a little different than your natural breast. However, it is still important to know what is normal for your breasts. Pay attention to wrinkles, hardening, or if you feel like your dentures are shifting. Fortunately, medical tests such as 3D mammograms, MRIs, or ultrasounds can also be performed safely with implants. Do you feel changes? Sound the alarm!

6. What studies are available on breast health?

When it comes to your breast health, there are several ways to examine your breasts. One of the best known methods is 3D mammography, where multiple X-ray images are taken to detect possible abnormalities. For younger women under the age of 30, ultrasound is often the preferred screening because it is more suitable for denser breast tissue. If in doubt or increased risk, an MRI scan is often performed, which can produce very detailed images of the breast. All this to make sure your breasts are in safe hands.

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Another thing

Breast health doesn’t have to be complicated or scary. It’s about getting to know ourselves better and what’s normal for our body. The sooner you notice something unusual, the faster doctors can act. This is crucial because early detection can make a big difference in treatment and outcome. It is really important to be alert to changes and do self-examination regularly. Take the time to listen to your body and ask for help if you have any doubts!

Issues on card with Becel and pink ribbon

Becel and Pink Ribbon teamed up this October to highlight breasts. With pink packaging, Becel hopes to spark conversation about breast cancer at the kitchen table. The new Pink Ribbon campaign not only raises awareness, but also helps pay for research into better breast cancer screening and treatment.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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