How science helps combat the undermining of crime

Systematic approach

A systematic view from all areas of expertise is used: only by looking at the entire system surrounding the undermining and mapping the interactions between the different actors in the system can a sustainable solution be found. An integrated and systemic approach can respond to early signals and prevent waterbed impacts. So no men, kilos and crunches, but a systematic approach.

Building knowledge is indispensable

Since 2018, TNO has been working with RIEC Zeeland West Brabant and since 2021 also with all other RIEC regions in the Netherlands. As a result, the network has grown to such an extent that the development of knowledge and practical support provided by TNO in tackling disruptive crime is now also supported at national level. This benefits the Agreement’s partners, including municipalities, counties, prosecutors, police, tax and customs authorities, FIOD, SZW Inspectorate, Royal Military Police, IND, UWV and NVWA.

Reliable cooperation with scientists at work

TNO experts are deployed regionally and locally on specific case studies. These scientists sit at the table with RIECs or (a group of) Covenant partners and contribute their specific knowledge directly where it is needed, for example in the area of ​​threats to officials, specific communities, or advanced data analysis techniques. In this way, scientists in action help professionals in the field find solutions in concrete situations.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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