A nice, safe neighborhood contributes to your health confidence: “We must promote social cohesion”

Nice neighborhood, where people know each other, talk and keep an eye on things. This does not always contribute to appreciation of the neighborhood and living environment. The health perception of the population also contributes to this. This is demonstrated by research conducted by Marketresponse and commissioned by Univé.

Peter van den Baan, director of Univé Buurtfonds, can confirm this. “Univé of the region. And this is not only the strength of our members, but also our strength. Because by strengthening social cohesion together and bringing people together, neighborhood resilience grows. In close-knit neighborhoods, neighbors dare to ask each other for help and offer it, so that together they can contribute In achieving a good balance between prosperity and well-being.

It is better to have a good neighbor than to have a good neighbor…

This is most evident among the people of North Holland and Overijssel. Residents of these governorates feel more connected to the neighborhood, by 36% and 40%, respectively. Moreover, they often find a good relationship with their neighbors very important compared to residents of other provinces. This contributes to confidence in your health. For example, residents of the North Netherlands have the most confidence in their health (76%), regardless of their healthcare use.

Power together

In the neighborhood, it is appreciated when people take care of each other and help each other when necessary or when something happens. For example, after illness or surgery. The Univé Neighborhood Fund encourages this. “The power of working together is not only seen in neighbors helping each other when things go wrong. We also see that neighbors are increasingly looking out for each other to promote a healthy lifestyle. For example, through the joint construction of playgrounds, parks, picking gardens and food forests. And with Results: “Because in this way they help each other to grow healthily and enjoy life with great pleasure,” concludes van den Baan.

See also  Five lessons from your health

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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