About Cyberpunk 2077 Review | Gamer.nl

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty review is coming, expect it on the site this weekend.

Somehow CD Projekt’s first and only expansion for Cyberpunk 2077 was expected to be a big one. With a new area, a new story, and plenty of other content – ​​aside from the fact that the code arrived very late – our editor still needed Harry to review.

After an internal delay due to a somewhat troubled launch, Phantom Liberty has finally released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series (Idris Elba).

is reading here How to play the expansion and what options are available to create a new character.

Update 2.0

However, Phantom Liberty should not be confused with Update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077. With the free update, the police system has been modified, shooting can be done from a car, tires can be punctured, and the AI ​​of enemies and NPCs has been modified. It has been improved, there are new perks to unlock and many other improvements and bug fixes.

CD Projekt Red recommends players start a new game to get the best experience with the various improvements being made. The system requirements for the PC version have also been modified. The update is available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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