ACV is giving away free movie screenings for the 10th year in a row (Beers)

On Thursday, March 10, ACV will premiere the British film, Sorry We Missed You, written by Ken Loach in ‘t Heilaar in Beerse. © RR

Pierce, Fossillar

The ACV Beerse-Vosselaar Christian Workers Union will begin Thursday, March 10 for the 10th consecutive year with Moving Images-ACV Synema film screenings. Movies are free to watch on three Thursdays in March at ‘t Heilaar in Beerse.

For the already tenth year, the local chapter of the ACV has selected three socially connected films that everyone can watch for free at the community center ‘t Heilaar in Beerse.

“The three films deal with a different topic. Then, there is the possibility to share a debriefing with an expert on the topic,” says Luc van der Schoot, ACV Beerse-Vosselaar Chairman. We try to convey a message to the community through the films we have chosen. It is about a message that awakens people and makes them think with us about the state of our society.”

The film will be shown on Thursday, March 10th Sorry we missed you by Ken Loach. The publication tells the story of a British family in Newcastle who have been struggling to make ends meet since the economic crisis. The film will be shown on Thursday, March 24th demain Programmed and the movie will be on Thursday, March 31 Bread and roses Show. Shows always start at 7.30pm. (bvdl)

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Sophie Baker

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