Additional investments in youth work and leisure in the Ghent neighborhoods

After contact, 29 organizations receive subsidies for young workers and youth projects. For example, a new youth center will be built in the south.

After an open invitation, 29 youth welfare organizations in Ghent receive subsidies to deploy more young workers and to organize projects for children and youth in vulnerable situations. For example, a new youth center will be built in the south.

From Rabot to Gentebrug

Going forward, the city council is investing an additional 1.1 million euros annually in youth welfare work. The city of Ghent launched an open call in 2020 for most of that budget to be allocated. Several juries eventually decided on the files and selected 29 organizations. Support focuses on projects in Brugse Poort, Rabot, Scheldeoord, South and Gentbrugge.

Sustainable projects

Many of the selected projects are aimed at the long term. For example, vzw Jong at Scheldeoord puts an extra factor in youth welfare at Wolters Youth Center that will breathe new life. The Pöskuder Youth Center starts a new girls’ activity at the Waas Youth Center in Land van Waaslaan, and the KAA Gent Foundation and Circusplaneet offer additional leisure activities in Watersportbaan.

Vzw Lejo will provide additional help for teen parents with support from City, and Habbekrats will run a new youth center in the South. At Overkop they focus on the growing questions about the mental health of children, teens, and young adults. In addition, additional efforts are being made in the field of youth mobile work and the active search for youth in parks and squares.

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Organizations: Ghent Basketball, Averroes, Vroem Vroem, Futsal Besiktas, Maanobota Collective, JH De Plataan, Al Istiqama, Özburun, Rede, Ergenekon, Minus One, Jes, De Toekomstacademie, Sportaround, Masala, Asgaard, Girls Go Boom and Young Ghent in Akti , Jeugdhuis Nieuw Gent, Bloemenstad, Habbekrats, Kapow, Larf! & Kwame, Amaro Kher and Endron receive financial support. The city of Ghent is hiring a trainer to support new organizations in their mission.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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