After calling via Wi-Fi, can you call without a telephone…?

Calling via 4G and Wi-Fi is becoming increasingly common, but EE has already taken the next step in the United Kingdom. You can call there without a phone. Yes, you read that right. You no longer need a phone to call through the provider’s network.

EE calls this technology “EE Smart no“. It works exclusively with Apple hardware and you share the number with up to 5 devices. It can be iPad, iPod or Apple Watch, but it also works on Mac.

Smart Number works on iOS, macOS and watchOS

It has certainly been possible for some time to make or receive calls with a device other than the iPhone. You can enable the “On other devices” feature in the phone section of iOS settings. But for this to work, your iPhone must be powered on and have an internet connection. With Smart Number technology, you can always call even if your iPhone is switched off. This feature uses VoWiFi (Voice over Wi-Fi) called Wi-Fi Calling.

This is especially useful if you lose your iPhone or the battery is empty. According to EE, the call can be transferred between devices without interruptions. For example, it makes it possible to start a conversation on your iPhone and continue it on your Mac when you get home. The technology works as devices connect to the provider’s network via Wi-Fi.

Smart Number is much smarter than iOS and macOS’s Handoff feature in these screenshots – click/tap to enlarge.

First in Great Britain

British EE is the first provider to support this technology. Unfortunately, Dutch telecom providers have yet to announce such a feature. It’s probably just a matter of time.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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