American journalist sentenced to 11 years in prison in Myanmar

American journalist Danny Finster was sentenced to 11 years in prison for “dissent, illegal assembly and immigration violation.” That employer left the news site Myanmar borderYou know Friday. There is also another lawsuit against Finster, in which he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Finster, Editor in Chief Myanmar border, by the junta at Rangoon International Airport in May while trying to leave the country. He was on trial for inciting dissent, forming illegal associations, and violating immigration law.

In a separate lawsuit, Finster is also suspected of terrorism and sedition. He could face a life sentence for this. Finster is due to appear in court in the case on November 16.

His trial is taking place behind closed doors. The United States has been trying to release Finster for some time. “His arrest is unacceptable. A US diplomatic spokesman said recently that journalism is not a crime.


Myanmar border In a statement, the charges against Finster are based on a misunderstanding: “All charges are based on allegations that he was working for the banned media outlet. Myanmar now. Danny resigned. In July 2020 Myanmar now And joined the following month border“At the time of his arrest in May 2021, he was with us for more than nine months,” the news site said.

Myanmar has plunged into chaos since the February 1 military coup. The regime uses bloody repression against opponents, and the military council is silencing the press, for example by restricting access to the Internet and revoking media licenses.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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