Many women shared this procedure in a video on Instagram. “Goodbye,” said Russian model Victoria Bonya, after claiming that Chanel “disrespects her customers.” She looks angrily at the camera, and waves scissors in the air. Then she cut the expensive handbag in half. “I have never seen a brand treat their customers in a disrespectful manner,” the caption read.
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Anti-rosophobia campaign
Chanel – like many other companies – closed all stores in Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. But fans of Chanel did not expect that the French fashion house would prevent them from buying bags around the world. “Recent EU restrictions prohibit the sale, directly or indirectly, of luxury products to any person or company in the Russian Federation or for use in the Russian Federation,” it said in a press release.
And rich Russians don’t like that; One by one he shares a video with them expressing their frustration. Russian fashion designer and influencer Lisa Litvin expressed regret in a video that she was denied entry to a Chanel store in Dubai, East2West reports. “They asked for my ID and I gave my Russian phone number,” she explains. “Then the director said that from today onwards they would only sell to the Russians if they signed an agreement that they would not carry their stuff in Russia.”
Another woman, Russian TV presenter and actress Marina Ermishkina, uses garden shears to cut her taupe handbag. “I am against russophobia, I am against the brand that supports russian phobia,” Ermishkina said.
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Russian DJ Katya Guseva follows in Ermoshkina’s footsteps and also destroys her beloved brand’s bag. “I’ve always dreamed of owning my own Chanel bag, and last year I got one,” she wrote. “But after learning about the brand’s policy towards the Russians, I decided to destroy these bags so that the situation would change.”
“Chanel is participating in an anti-Russian campaign to abolish Russia,” spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Russian assets freeze
Should Bijenkorf in Amsterdam – the retail chain popular with wealthier international customers – also deal with angry Russians? A spokesperson for the chain says “of course” EU legislation must be followed. “We also do not sell products worth more than 300 euros to Russian customers.”
De Bijenkorf is known for its high-end brands (bags from brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton) and they are most welcome. hot spot For tourists with a thick wallet who visit our capital. She cannot say whether this has led to a decrease in the number of Russian customers. “We do not actively ask for our customers’ identity papers.”
If a Russian customer wants to pay for a Chanel bag with a credit card, the spokesperson says, that becomes impossible because all Russian assets have been frozen internationally. In addition, most Russian customers have always been buying from us duty-free. For this you have to fill out a form and thus show your passport as well. This is an additional check.” In any case, she did not yet have cases of rejected customers. According to the spokesperson, the number of customers from Russia who shop duty-free is minimal. “Most of the customers who come to shop with tax advantages come from the UK and the Middle East.”