Apple audio codec causes Android security issue

In general, Android and Apple are two very separate brands and operating systems, but they have become so close that a security issue has arisen. This is due to a weakness in the ALAC. ALAC is the Apple Lossless Audio Codec. Here’s what to do with Android devices and what the status of this security issue is now.


ALAC It has been used by Apple since 2004 and is only intended to send audio over the Internet without losing any music quality, which makes the sound quality much better than if this codec did not exist. However, this codec from Apple is also available in an open source version on Android, which uses Qualcomm and MediaTek processors. However, they are using a variant that dates back to 2011 and has not been updated since then.

If there is a weakness in Android ALAC, then the faulty Android app can misuse it, for example, accessing data and your smartphone’s microphone. This allows such an app to listen to your phone conversations and surrounding sounds. The weak was registered via Qualcomm under CVE-2021-30351, while MediaTek registered CVE-2021-0674 and CVE-2021-0675 for this.

Weakness in Android

Search point check CPR has discovered vulnerabilities and is now warning of potential problems that could arise. After all, anyone can hear what you’re saying remotely or browse your media on your phone, but it’s also not unreasonable for malware to be implemented or using the camera without the phone’s owner even knowing about it. The vulnerability is known as “ALHACK” and will be present on at least two-thirds of smartphones sold in 2021.

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The question, of course, is what now? After CPR Qualcomm and Media Tech Aware, companies have made corrections to correct the shortage. It was already released in December 2021 by both Qualcomm and MediaTek, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore, as long as you keep your device updated.

How do you feel about these chip makers using technology that hasn’t been updated in over a decade?

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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