Apple dumps display maker after cheating scandal

One iPhone 13 screen producer is said to have been caught cheating by Apple and may now be losing billions.

One of the world’s largest screen manufacturers, Beijing Oriental Electronics (BOE, fear not) appears to be losing a huge deal with Apple. The company was going to secretly change the things on the screen for iPhone 13 without An apple He was aware of this.

Apple will have an iPhone 14 screen made elsewhere

The OLED manufacturer is currently waiting to approve a massive batch of iPhone 14 displays, but it seems Apple doesn’t agree, According to The Elec† This has to do with iPhone 13 screen tampering, according to Medium reports

What happened exactly? According to the participants, BOE was caught adjusting the circuit width of transistors in iPhone 13 screens. The company is said to have done this to increase the yields of the production process. But that’s not what Apple asked for.

You may be wondering (and rightly so) how the Bank of England could have imagined that Apple wouldn’t find out. Absurd restrictions aside, Apple is usually exceptionally careful about the configuration of its smartphones.

However, it is not surprising that the Bank of England feels trapped. For now, many industries are still feeling the pain of the pandemic and the global chip shortage. The returns to production operations must be good due to scarcity. And the fact of technological production is that not all parts always meet the quality requirements.

This now costs the Apple monitor maker a deal of 30 million screens! It is not known how much the deal will be worth. But since a smartphone screen quickly costs around $60, this is likely to be in the billions.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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