Apps on Play Store must offer Privacy Policy – News

Google will ask for apps in the Play Store to indicate what data they collect before downloading them. The commitment is effective from April 2022.

With the new rule, Android requires apps, from Google and other developers, to show you privacy and security guidelines before you download the app. This way you know in advance what data is being collected and how it is secured. This is the idea.

This is an extension of the current rule. Apps that collect sensitive or personal data must indicate this beforehand in the Play Store. Now, every app, including those that don’t collect sensitive information, will have to indicate what data they keep.

With the new rule, Google is following the trend to give users more insight into the large amounts of data that is kept about them. Earlier, Apple did something similar, with labels in the App Store showing what data the app needed before you downloaded it.

With the new rule, Android requires apps, both from Google and third-party developers, to show you privacy and security guidelines before you download the app. This way you know in advance what data is being collected and how it is secured. This is the idea. This is an extension of the current rule. Apps that collect sensitive or personal data must indicate this beforehand in the Play Store. Now, every app, including those that don’t collect sensitive information, will have to publicize the data it keeps. With the new rule, Google is following the trend of giving users more insight into the large amounts of data that is kept about them. Earlier, Apple did something similar, with labels in the App Store showing what data the app needed before you downloaded it.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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