Archive of Tongiru Monastery is online

according to Margot AmericaDirector of Communications at the Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum (BHIC), the abbey’s extensive archive is well preserved despite its eventful history. Given the importance of this archive to Nord Brabant, BHIC has teamed up with Tongerlo Abbey to partially digitize this archive – mainly records – and make it accessible to researchers and genealogists. We have successfully digitized all records – 967 total – from the historical archives from the institution around 1130 to 1838. They contain copies of nearly all charters and form the core of the monastery’s long-running administration with records of, among other things, the abbey’s residents, employees, benefactors, land rents, taxes, and leases And the tithe.

According to BHIC, the online archive with monastery records is a goldmine for both professional and amateur researchers for research in politics and religion, regional and local history, local history, domain name searches and genealogical research, especially for Kempen, West Brabant and Merig. From ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Under the impulse of the information center, three other smaller archives of the previously Premonstratensian monasteries have also been digitized. These are the archives of the Norbertian abbey in Berne, the Norbertyn Abbey of Sint Catherinadal and the Norbertyn monastery / monastery in Postel. Margot America: Their ancient archives can be viewed in full digitally on our website. The digital records of the important and influential Tongerlo Abbey, the last of the important Prestantinian monasteries of North Brabant history, fit perfectly with this.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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