Are you taking new action steps after Britain leaves the European Union?

Give a boost to your international ambitions with RVO’s European Trade Program! Get access to exclusive workshops and trade missions, among other things. LIOF can help you with your application for the European Trade Programme.

The aim of the EU Trade Program is to support affected entrepreneurs in expanding their sales markets. €32 million is available for this from the Brexit Exit Adjustment Reserve, or BAR for short. This is a European support scheme for entrepreneurs who have been negatively affected by Brexit. RVO implements the BAR scheme on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK). RVO also uses the networks and expertise of partners within Trade & Innovate NL, subsidiary and sector organizations and Dutch centers abroad. LIOF is one of these partners and provides support to entrepreneurs in the province of Limburg.

The European Trade Program is the first part of the BAR available to the Dutch business community. Two additional compensation schemes will follow later for companies affected by Brexit.

How it works?
We get into discussions with entrepreneurs to determine what they need. Appropriate support is developed on this basis. Are you in the mentoring phase as an entrepreneur? Then you may want to get advice on your trading strategy for a specific country or region. If you’ve taken it one step further, participating in a trade show or trade mission may be just what your company needs. There is a lot that is possible, but the program will only run until the end of 2023. In order to be able to do as much as possible for entrepreneurs, it is important that you register quickly.

Log in with documents from the administration
As an entrepreneur, you can access the European Trade Program if you can prove that you were already working with the UK before January 31, 2020. The RVO requires you to prove certain documents from your current administration that you have been commercially affected by Brexit. LIOF can help you with the application.

Media webinar on June 30
During a free webinar on the European Trade Program on June 30, you will hear about interesting export opportunities. You will also see how you can increase your knowledge of export and the international network for free if you participate in the EU Trade Programme. More information via:

Contact Mark Smits of LIOF today to discuss your situation: [email protected] or +31 (0) 6 1070 9018.

Are you taking new action steps after Britain leaves the European Union?

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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