Back to school: UK timetable for the New Year | Education

When will most children be admitted to schools in the UK?
It depends on the age of the children, where they live and whether they will take national exams like GCSE next summer. The government expects schools and colleges to fully reopen from January 18.

Are schools closed in the UK?
No. Schools are open to allow staff to conduct distance learning at all events, and secondary schools help prepare staff and students for mass virus testing. There is one National Exemption For children classified as vulnerable by the government and those with parents who are a key employee; They can go to school in person regardless of the status of other students.

Which children in the UK can go back to school next week?
Only vulnerable children and key workers will be able to attend the first week of January 4 in intermediate schools and colleges. For most elementary school age students, schools are mainly open, except for one 50 local authorities were called “contingency law areas” With high rates of Covit transmission. These schools will be closed to most students until January 18.


What is the reopening schedule for high schools?
Students taking the national exams from January 4 (mainly in grades 11 and 13) will be taught remotely. Other year groups may be taught remotely, according to DfE guidelines for principals that schools should “provide as little distance learning as possible”. Candidates who take the exam from January 11 (mainly 11 and 13 years) will return to teach in person, while other year groups will be taught remotely. Schools Students with Govt infection should be tested at least twice during this period, meaning all year groups will be asked to come for tests.

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Will everything return to normal by January 18?
May be. The government said it had reviewed the accident law areas by then, so secondary and elementary schools in the affected areas could be closed for face-to-face teaching by January.

What about students who have exams at the beginning of the term?
Students with BTec external assessments or similar exams scheduled for the first two weeks can attend in person if required. High schools Any mock exams like GCSE and A-Levels (for national exams) are likely to be modified on or after January 11.

What about school nurseries?
Nurseries remain open, even if those enrolled in an elementary school in one of the contingency areas have the opportunity to close.

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