Boris Johnson believes in a new Brexit deal with the European Union for a period of 31 …

Boris Johnson admitted in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Monday evening that he needed the help of the European Union to avoid the difficult border between Ireland and Northern Ireland in the event of a “no-deal” Brexit.

“We are not alone,” said Johnson, the current favorite to succeed Theresa May’s resigning British Prime Minister in July.

According to Johnson, the deal negotiated with the European Union “is dead”. He thinks a new deal can still be obtained before the end of October. He told the BBC that the political landscape had changed in both the UK and the continent.

I think the policy has changed a lot since March 29th (History of Brexit, ed.)‘, sound. “I think there is now a different view on both sides of the channel about what is needed.”

Johnson thinks he can persuade the European Union of solutions to the Irish border issue, despite previous statements by EU leaders about their feasibility.

A “large number” of technical solutions

The nominated prime minister sees “a multitude of technical possibilities” that would make border checks unnecessary. When Johnson, who gives an interview to the BBC, suggests that these technical solutions do not yet exist, he contradicts them. There are all kinds of programs forTrusted merchants“We can apply.”

He admitted that there is no simple magic formula to solve the problem.

The conservative politician reiterated that he plans to get the UK out of the European Union on October 31 anyway, even if there is no deal with the EU.

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Johnson declined to comment on the story of a local battle in recent days. “It is not fair to include my loved ones in this discussion.”

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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