Brexit hid a philosophical difference

Brexit has caused a strong rift within the United Kingdom. Philosophical beliefs also seem to have influenced the vote. This is shown by a study by scientists at Brunel University and the University of Exeter.

After all, the researchers came to the conclusion that the British mainly wanted to leave the EU. Catholics, on the other hand, found greater opposition to Brexit.

Transnational Authority

“One in five had a religious belief that led them to leave the EU,” argues researchers Stuart Fox and Ekaterina Kolpinskaya in their book Religion and Euroceptism in Brexit Britain. “On the other hand, a quarter of the British electorate sought to oppose divisions because of their religious beliefs.”

It was also previously established that young people, city dwellers and working-class voters in particular want to join the EU.

“Catholics, Presbyterians, regular church workers and people of strong religious beliefs are more likely to take a stand against Brexit,” Fox and Kolpinskaya argue. After all, Catholics are used to the idea of ​​a transnational power like the Pope and the Vatican. For them, the idea of ​​being managed by an international organization like the European Union is very common. ‘

Anglican history, on the other hand, is characterized by a desire to be separate from the European continent. They believe that this requires a strong independent government. So anything that could affect this effort collides with their opposition. ‘


“Although the Brexit referendum is driven by a number of factors, religion is an important basis for explaining that Brexit was ultimately supported by more Britons than expected,” Kolpinskaya argues.

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“Faith played a key role in the growing eurosepticism of the British people, which arranged for the then British Prime Minister David Cameron to hold a referendum on further membership of the European Union.”

“The same event illustrates the shocking victory of Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party in the general election two years ago.”

Teachers predict that this optimism will also affect voting behavior in the next local elections in May. “Religion still has a significant voice in British politics,” Kolpinskaya notes.

‘In addition, the traditional support for Labor among the Catholic population should also be expected to decline further. Almost all Christian groups vote for conservatism, as has already been shown in recent times. ‘

Ferdinand Woolridge

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