British academics help Iran – NAW NAW

British Weekly Jewish Chronicle This week brought a significant scoop: academics at British universities have been found to have contributed to Iranian drone programs. At least 11 universities are involved, including Cambridge and Imperial College London. Their research includes increasing the flight altitude, maneuverability, speed and range of drones. In some cases, research was funded by Iran, despite UK sanctions against the Ayatollah regime.

One of the institutions involved, Cranfield University, has a partnership with the Royal Air Force, but some of the scientists are Iranians and affiliated with Iranian universities. J.C It found the information by reviewing thousands of scientific publications from 2017. In doing so, the Weekly found hundreds of projects involving British academics and institutions collaborating with Iranian universities, which are on the sanctions list because of their involvement in the nuclear program.

Photo: Shahed 129 UAV at the 2019 Military Equipment Exhibition in Tehran (Wikimedia Commons)

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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