British religious leaders call for climate conference

Dozens of leaders of the UK’s major religious communities have appealed to world leaders at the upcoming climate conference COP26, Occurred. in their own Glasgow Declaration Urge government leaders to take urgent action on climate change. They adhere to this in their religious community.

The appeal was signed by representatives of the Anglican, Catholic, Methodist and other Protestant churches, as well as Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and even Jains and Zoroastrians. They write that together they share an interest in human life and our natural environment. We also feel a shared responsibility to take care of our common home, the Earth.

We recognize the opportunities of COP26 to mitigate the effects of climate change and the critical importance of the decisions made at this conference. Humans have exploited the planet and caused climate change, and the poor, especially women and children, are bearing the brunt. insist on Individual and group work He also asked, among other things, to move to fair and green economy to make it a priority.

Source: Tablet / Central Nervous System

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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