British singer Nick Common (59) has died

Kamen was born in Essex in 1962 and modeled in her twenties. She stood out with a photoshoot on the cover of the 1980s hip fashion and pop culture magazine Face: Androgenes, mirrored sunglasses and a high emphasis on the jaw. Inside, photography was fast: Common in leather skirt, T-shirt pulled by hand to reveal a stamped bronze belly.

One year later, in 1985, he landed a role in Levy’s ad, which set the tone for the late eighties. The 1950s and 1960s were fashionable in film, music and style at the time, and the London-based advertising agency BPH Levy’s jeans, a somewhat declining phenomenon, came up with the golden formula to firmly connect with that nostalgia. Ads An early example of ‘integrated marketing’: the song that could be heard in the ad was reissued, with a cover designed by Levy. Old wins continue to hit the rankings.

The other half of the marketing success is that in the mid-1980s the apparent sexual exploitation of men became popular in pop culture. In Levi’s case, the idea is this: the guys help determine what clothes the boys buy. So hire a hunk. This helped Common to look like the young Elvis. This is how the Lanzarote ad began, in which Common took off all of her clothes under the eye of a beautiful butterfly-rope woman until her boxing shorts waited for her jeans to be washed. Sales of the Levy 501 model are said to have increased by 800 percent.

As Madonna discovered, Common also had a sweet, sweet, slightly dangerous voice. He co-wrote his first solo song, Every Time You Break My Heart (1986), which seems to have featured on Madonna’s album Like a Virgin in both fat electronic production and melody. Since 1990 Common has scored a number of small hits and a big I Promise Myself.

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Kaman is 59 years old.Image Reporters / DPA

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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