Britons trapped in a snow-covered pub for days may…

Imagine: you leave home in the evening for a drink in a cafe, and suddenly a heavy snowstorm hits, leaving you stuck in the bar for several days. About 60 Britons have been trapped in a remote, snow-covered pub in Britain’s inhospitable Yorkshire Dales since Friday night. But there was no panic. “The atmosphere is great and there is more than enough beer available,” says one stranded customer. Since then customers have returned home.

Source: BBC

The Facebook page describes the Tan Hill Inn as “a unique pub in a unique location, perched atop the Penninian Mountains, with stunning views, a fireplace fireplace, hot drinks, local beer and good food.”

If this description is correct, then there are worse places on Earth that have been stranded for days. Dozens of people flocked to the secluded pub in the Yorkshire Dales Nature Reserve, the highest lodge (528 meters above sea level) in the UK, for the Oasis tribute party on Friday night.

Storm Irwin

That same evening, they were surprised by Storm Arwen, which brought a cold snap and a lot of snow to the area. By Saturday morning, the pub was covered in a nearly three-foot layer of snow, and it took some heavy shoveling to get out of the building.

Severe storms also disrupted power lines in the area and disrupted roads. The freezing temperatures are still continuing three days later, leaving the attendees trapped like mice in the pub for three nights now.

But the atmosphere is still great, as it turns out. Director Nicola Townsend (61) told the BBC on Monday morning that some clients would prefer to stay longer. “Our guests are very patient and very understanding and we are very happy about that,” she says. “Our staff has been working hard for days to make it as bearable as possible for everyone, but customers also roll up their sleeves and help wash mugs and keep them clean here.”

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karaoke competition

Attendees fill their days by entertaining themselves with a quiz, board games, and even a karaoke night organized together. Of course, the drinks available also contribute to the fact that the atmosphere at Tan Hill Inn never drops below freezing. “I try to make sure that people do not drink all day, because if suddenly there is a message that everyone can leave, then of course it must be possible to do it safely and responsibly. So no alcohol at breakfast,” laughs Nicola.

The pub announces that the way back has been cleared and customers have left for their homes. “We have said goodbye to our stranded guests. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to the calm, patient and hard-working staff.”


Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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