Cabinet prepares for a curfew, tomorrow afternoon at a press conference

Sources assume a fine of 95 euros for anyone on the street without a valid reason. Insiders say that there will be no barriers on the street, but implementation will be on the street.

Another measure is to further restrict home visits. Two people are now permitted to visit, but a maximum of one is mentioned. The number of people allowed to attend the funeral may also decrease.

There is also talk of further restrictions on air traffic. In addition to the mandatory PCR test, the Cabinet also wants to offer a rapid test to a person traveling to the Netherlands from a high-risk region. That’s the whole world, according to the State Department’s travel advice. The Rapid Test Rule already applies to South Africa and the United Kingdom. It is expected that fewer people will take the plane after that. The flight ban will also be on the cabinet table for South Africa and the United Kingdom.

The government wants to come up with a wide range of measures, so that primary schools can first reopen on February 9. To achieve this, the pollution numbers on that date should be as low as possible.

D66 so far against curfew

The government is still looking for support for this measure in the House of Representatives. So far, there was no majority in support. “This is a problem for the now outgoing government,” says political reporter Zander van der Wallp. So they want to act quickly but cautiously. ” Tomorrow there will be a cabinet meeting first, followed by a press conference in the early afternoon, followed by a debate in the House of Representatives.

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“Behind the scenes, discussions are already taking place with parties like D66, GroenLinks, PvdA and SP, all so far against the curfew. The government is trying to convince them that it is now really necessary, and they assume about the cabinet that it will work.”

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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