CDA MEP: A warm welcome also in the Netherlands

All the people who helped the Dutch mission in Afghanistan should also be welcomed in our country. According to Liners, this is “the least we can do” and therefore absolutely necessary according to the CDA member. We also need to consider as soon as possible how to get people out of Afghanistan who worked for the European member states. “It is good that Secretary Kag has now gone into the region to do everything in his power to ensure that the people are still evacuated. But it would have been better if the State Department had put in place a better plan for this in advance.” It is a “disgrace to the Netherlands star” that the embassy was empty one morning, without informing the Afghan staff to leave.

Reception in the area

We have to save money to receive people in the area. We learned this from the previous refugee crisis in 2015, ”says Jeroen Liniers from Brussels. Today, the European Commission continues to discuss immigration and Afghanistan with the European Parliament. Liners is responsible for this portfolio on behalf of the Christian Democrats, the largest party in Parliament.

There are already millions of Afghan refugees in neighboring countries such as Pakistan, Tajikistan and Iran. “That is why we have to help those countries financially in the very short term,” says MEP. “It hasn’t happened yet this month.” The initial amount is 1.1 billion and will be outsourced to UNHCR and the Red Cross. They should help redistribute People ‘in a decent way around the world.’ A conference will be organized this month where member states can decide how many refugees they can resettle if they are not safe in the area. Lenaers can’t give exact figures for how many people are involved in the total, because that remains ‘unclear’ completely”.

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shameful show

This afternoon, there will be further discussions in Brussels about the migration pact, but nothing to be found on the key to the distribution of the numbers of refugees each EU member state will accept. The agreements related to this agreement that have been discussed since 2015 are far from finalized. They can’t even agree on a clause that member states will work hard to find a solution to the crisis in Afghanistan, Liners sighs. This says “enough about the situation and the way in which the various member states are discussing this charter.”

According to Lieners, this predicament is due to the “usual suspects” such as Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The politician therefore expects little progress in the coming months regarding this agreement, because there is no convergence between the various member states. This is very bad for the asylum policy, but also for the credibility of the EU in the field of migration. It’s a disgraceful show.”

Liners is holding his breath in anticipation of a possible influx of Afghan refugees because the common line in Brussels is still far away. “The division within Europe over how to deal with immigration and asylum issues remains. There is no clear policy and therefore it will remain chaotic.”

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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