CDA wants to build small nuclear power plants

In order to quickly get rid of fossil fuels, the Cabinet must work on building small-scale nuclear reactors, as the CDA wants. According to the party, it is easier and faster to build and operate such nuclear power plants.

Member of Parliament and energy expert Henri Bontenbal, CDA member and energy expert, sees mini nuclear power plants as “a promising development that could also play a role in making the economy more sustainable in the Netherlands”. According to him, it is possible to build the first small power plants before 2030. In order to do this, the Cabinet must ensure that laws and regulations are necessary to enable construction to be completed quickly, Pontenbal believes. It is a promising development. Internationally, people are very busy building large nuclear power plants. At the same time, you see a parallel path for small modular nuclear power plants. It can be built faster and be safe. According to Pontinbal, the construction of such nuclear reactors is also underway in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.

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Bontenbal thinks it is a shame that Europe is “being left behind” in this area. “I think it is a promising development that we should intervene in Europe and the Netherlands.”

Smallest reactor fits into the container

Although small reactors provide less energy than conventional reactors, they are easier and faster to install. A frequent complaint against nuclear power is that building large nuclear power plants costs a lot of money and, above all, a lot of time, and therefore does not offer a solution to pressing climate problems. so called small modular reactors It can also be placed in places where ordinary power plants do not fit, facilitating connection to the power grid. The smallest reactor, about 10 megawatts, fits in a container and has a capacity of three large wind turbines. 10,000 homes could be saved with this, the CDA MP explains.

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Larger reactors can generate 300 megawatts. Then you have to think of a type that generates about half the reactor capacity in Borselli.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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