Colombian rebel movement suspends kidnappings for ransom | outside

The Colombian rebel group the National Liberation Army (ELN) has agreed with the government to suspend kidnappings for ransom. The agreement was reached on Sunday during the fifth round of peace negotiations in Mexico.

The agreement stipulates that the National Liberation Army “will suspend kidnappings for economic purposes (…) in the context of extending the ceasefire,” according to a joint letter between the two delegations.

The agreement therefore also lays the foundation for extending the ceasefire, which currently lasts until January 29. “An extension until February is possible,” says Pablo Beltran, head of the ELN delegation.

Peace negotiations between the government and the far-left guerrilla movement are supposed to put an end to a six-decade conflict. The fifth round began at a time when the entire operation was thrown into crisis by the kidnapping of the father of Colombian footballer Luis Díaz.

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Diaz’s father, a Liverpool FC striker, was released on 9 November after spending twelve days in captivity. His kidnapping led to a deadlock in the dialogue that began in June after the imposition of a ceasefire.

The sixth round of negotiations in Cuba is scheduled to begin on January 24.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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