Curfew violators stab a Dutch officer: a man fights for his life abroad

GroningenDutch police released camera images that may show the men involved in a stabbing incident in the city of Groningen on Wednesday evening. One of the men stabbed a police officer on Wednesday when the suspects approached because they were on the street after a curfew.

The officer is in the hospital very seriously injured. He had multiple stitches in the face and one in the neck near the carotid artery. The policeman is fighting for his life. A colleague was injured in one leg.

Two men matching earlier police descriptions can be seen on camera photos while riding a bike on De Savornin Lohmanlaan in Groningen. They cycle in Beethovenlan, near where the stabbing took place that evening.

Northern Netherlands police have been searching for the culprits with full force since Wednesday evening. On Thursday, police went door-to-door in the surrounding streets to ask residents if they had seen more of the incident.

Police have released more details about the men. The man on the right wears a dark hat and a dark backpack. He carries a backpack on his back, but is also fastened to the chest with a strap. The man on the left in the photo is likely wearing a quilted jacket that appears slightly lighter in color than the man’s jacket on the right. A cap is fastened to the jacket, but it also appears to be wearing another over his head.

Ferd Grapperhaus, the resigning Minister of Justice and Security in the Rutte III government, will contact the family and colleague of the seriously injured officer. What happened is “horrific”, says Graberhaus, who is already in contact with the mayor of Groningen. He wants to give the family and his colleague a break from their trauma, but he also wants to talk to them.

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A curfew was imposed on our northern neighbors at the end of January 2021 and will definitely remain in effect until March 30th. Everyone should stay home between 9 PM and 4:30 AM.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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