Dead woman answers questions with hologram at funeral | Instagram

A hologram of a dead loved one at a funeral, we now know. But can holograms ask questions and get answers? New technology has allowed a woman who died in England to speak to her loved ones at a gathering shortly after she was cremated.

In July, Marina Smith, who died in June at age 87, appeared on a screen at a crowd. He gave a short speech, after which grieving relatives could ask Smith’s digital clone all kinds of questions, British media reports. The hologram was created by Storyfile, a company of which Smith’s son, Stephen Smith, is co-founder and CEO.

Earlier this year, while Marina Smith was still alive, the questions were recorded using a computer and web camera. Among other things, he answered questions about his childhood. “It brought up difficult topics. Like his parents’ divorce and life as an immigrant from India,” his son told the British newspaper. telegram. “At the next relatives’ meeting they marveled at my mother’s new honesty.” Marina Smith has always been shy about her past. “But when asked about this, he told us about his childhood in India, which we knew nothing about.”


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Stephen Smith, CEO StoryFile

Natural language

The new technology has been introduced in the UK since this week. In the more expensive version of StoryFile, the interview is recorded with twenty synchronized cameras. Experts then process the material to train a digital clone of the deceased. This is necessary to answer hologram questions in ‘natural language’.

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Unlike deepfake videos, the computer doesn’t put words into the digital clone’s mouth. If he doesn’t have an answer, he encourages the next relative to ask another question.

The British company worked earlier Star TrekActor William Shatner. With his hologram, the Canadian actor wants to preserve his legacy for generations.

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