Employees accuse Google Research of censorship

Google’s AI research department has shaky legs. The tech giant is accused of censorship.

Google receives millions of dollars in US government grants for technology research. Since 2020, many employees and ex-employees have criticized. Complaints range from workplace harassment to censorship of research.

On April 2 confirmed The tech giant has fired a top manager accused of harassment of fellow scientists. The problem began in June 2021, when Google scientists Azalia Mirhoseini and Anna Goldie published a report in the scientific journal Nature. the report It states that AI can perform an important chip design process faster and better than human experts.

During the same period, two other Google Scholars wrote a critical report. this report He asserts that current software methods are more appropriate than artificial intelligence. The report was rejected by Google. Soon after, co-author Satrajit Chatterjee was fired. Google refused to explain why. We now have an idea.


Anna Goldie, the author of the published report, told the New York Times on Monday that she and her co-author had been harassed by Chatterjee for years. The former employee is said to have posted false personal information. According to Chatterjee’s lawyer, things are different. His work could have been rejected because Google was too vague and lax.

Google claims that Chatterjee search cannot be published due to licensing issues. This made it impossible for Chatterjee to have the report reviewed by fellow scientists. An anonymous company scientist believes the tech giant is guilty of censorship. According to the scientist, Google had to publish both reports. That’s my science – and Google gets support for that.

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Google is behind the decision. In April, the Vice President of Google Research took to Twitter to express his support for the published report.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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