Energy Decision Positive for Health – GGD GHOR Nederland

GGD GHOR Nederland is pleased with the government’s decision to reduce the pressure on energy costs for all people in the Netherlands. This has a positive effect on health on several levels.

There is no unhealthy mold in the house
Now that it’s cooler, the heating is back on again. Because of rising gas prices, people often decide to cut back on heating than usual. They also close windows and ventilation grilles to keep the heat inside. However, in a cooler home, where ventilation is less, problems with moisture or mold appear more quickly. Residents of homes with moisture and mold problems often have respiratory problems, such as coughing, shortness of breath, and asthma.

The measures proposed by the Cabinet will ensure that less fortunate people can adequately heat and ventilate their homes, so that there is less chance of mold.
For tips at home see

Ton Coenen, Director, GGD GHOR Nederland: “Due to energy poverty, many people not only falter financially, but also lead to mental and physical health problems. Social and economic health inequalities are widening. This can be prevented. The health of every We are involved in every political decision. The impact on the health of the population must always be examined. This saves a lot of money – and most importantly: unnecessary suffering.”

Do you prefer gas to wood or petroleum?
The decision to set a portion of the energy costs for all Dutch people also has other positive implications. According to media reports, the rise in gas prices caused an increase in wood burning and the sale of kerosene heaters. Burning wood to heat homes in many cases creates smoke and annoys local residents and can also cause unhealthy air in the home. Petroleum stoves have no drain. So the combustion gases, including toxic carbon monoxide, enter the house directly. This is unhealthy and can be life threatening.
Tips to reduce wood smoke

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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