Ex-Trump adviser at diplomatic dinner with Putin: He smelled strange and barely ate or drank | abroad

Fiona Hill, a former Russia adviser to former US President Donald Trump, told a BBC radio program about her experience with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Sitting at the table next to Putin at a diplomatic dinner several years ago, Hill recalled how the Russian head of state “had a strange smell and hardly ate or drank.” In addition, it was clear that Putin could use glasses, as he carried memory cards with “giant words” on them.

Hill told her story on the BBC’s ‘Desert Island Discs’ radio show. “I first noticed his finely tailored suit, then noticed a small, pulsating vein on the left side of his face,” Putin’s former adviser said. While Hill referred to the “expensive Russian president’s watch,” she also noted that he “really could use glasses” as he used conversation cards that had giant words on them. “I could read every card. It included the names of the interlocutors, as well as what Putin himself said,” Hill recalls.

In addition, the former chancellor noted how the Russian leader hardly ate or drank during dinner. “He had a strange smell on his body,” Hill says. “It sounds very strange, but I could smell her just washing it. He wasn’t wearing cologne, but it looks like he just came out of a private air-conditioned bath or something.”

“Planned game”

Hill went on to say how Putin had “total control” of the image he wanted to make of himself. I thought, ‘Now look. This is all set up for the game. Every little detail is organized. “This is a performance,” said the former chancellor, who also emphasized that Putin was not very interested in gossip and barely launched it during the meeting.

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Fiona Hill, a native of England, served as the adviser for Europe and Russia on the US National Security Council in 2017. She has appeared several times in the media in recent months with her insights into the relations between former President Donald Trump and Russia.. the head of state. In April, for example, she claimed that after a while, Trump began to resemble Putin in his “political practices and affiliations.” In 2019, Hill left the Trump administration and later that year testified before the US Congress as a witness in hearings leading up to the first Trump impeachment trial in 2020.

Fiona Hill in 2019, as a witness in the hearings leading up to the first impeachment trial of Donald Trump in 2020. © Environmental Protection Agency

Denton Watson

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