Find out how it all works during Science Weekend 2024


Image 1. Science Weekend is a geek’s paradise. Image: Digidan

September 21, 2024 sciences Nationally There’s a good chance you don’t know how everything works either. Are you curious about how things work? Or how something works? Keep going. October 5th and 6th Then spend a day outside during it. Science WeekendThis year, there is once again so much to experience and discover, and this time especially within Subject areaConduct fun experiments, meet scientists and discover more about our world and the universe!

Heaven for tech geeks

He – She Science Weekend will be open properly during Technology Day On Saturday 5 October in Arnhem. Tech Plaza is a paradise for tech enthusiasts. Have keyhole surgery, learn to code, do lab tests or play a cool escape game. Maybe with Ebbo Bruins, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, who will officially open the weekend here. And don’t worry if Arnhem is too far away. During these days you will find activities all over the country. And in the participating cities you can then visit all kinds of museums, observatories and colleges – and all for free!

Photo 2. During the weekend, you often end up in unique places, even while undergoing keyhole surgery. And you can do it yourself! Photo: Media Hill © Ron Hill

Behind the scenes at KNMI

The activities are especially fun for kids, but also interesting for parents. So come and enjoy the special event with the whole family. KNMI Open Day In De Bilt. Yes, the place where the weather forecast is always forecasted. How do they actually do it? You will find out during a unique tour. Or visit the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute in Utrecht and see fungi under a microscope. Secretly they look very beautiful. Something that biologist Matthias Bittenbender probably knows. Along with science journalist Anna Gembrere and national space hero Andre Kuipers He is a weekend ambassador for science.

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Fun fact: Meet the famous astronaut in real life on October 6th during ESA Research Institute Open Day In Noordwijk. This is the time to ask all your burning questions about space travel!

Mud and the talking cat

There are also lectures and exhibitions during the weekend, but above all there is a lot to do. And in fact all over the Netherlands, including in the far north. This way children can enjoy it Friesland CampusAt the University of Groningen, make your own slime. Or find out more about living below sea level and how virtual reality works. Don’t miss the campus opening with a science journalist. Diederic Jekyll! Takes you into the world of science in an easy and fun way.

Of course, the capital also takes part in the Science Weekend. In Amsterdam you will find, among other things, the hip Wajo Science Festival! Science?!Here you will find out, for example, why mosquitoes always bite you. And what does a cat actually say? All crazy, but common questions that have finally been answered!

More fun things to do

  • Learn more about Space yoga And at the Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam;
  • Discover all about the zodiac signs During a workshop at LocHal in Tilburg;
  • Or have fun Physics experiments Orion Public Observatory in Bovenkarspil.

Image 3. Find out how things work during a science weekend! Image: Media Hill © Ron Hill

news – Last modified: 2024-09-19 09:47:07 · Published: September 21, 2024 – 47

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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