First Reactions to the Brexit Deal: “The Resilience of Europe” | Brexit

Former Prime Minister and President of the European Council Charles Michel described the agreement as a “big step forward”, but stresses that the Council of Europe and the European Parliament have not yet given their approval.

According to Prime Minister Alexandre de Crowe, the agreement guarantees crucial guarantees of the competitiveness of Belgian companies.

European Parliament member Guy Verhofstadt called the agreement “less ambitious” than the European Union had hoped, but his response shows that the liberal is somewhat relaxed.

Flemish Prime Minister Jean Gambon was cautious in his response. It seems that “the impact on Flanders will be great”.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicolas Sturgeon indicates that a Brexit is coming despite Scotland’s resistance. “No agreement will compensate for what Brexit takes from us,” she says, and once again defends an independent Scotland that could become part of the European Union again.

Theresa May, the predecessor to current British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, described the deal as “very welcome”. “I look forward to seeing it in detail over the next few days,” she writes.

French President Emmanuel Maxon said: “European unity and resilience have borne fruit.” “Europe is moving forward and can aspire to a united, sovereign and strong future.”

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron, under whose rule the Brexit referendum was held, described the agreement as “positive news” at the end of a difficult year. It stresses the importance of the relationship with the European Union “as friends, neighbors and partners”.

“The war is over,” said Nigel Farrag, head of Britain’s Brexit party. “It’s not perfect, but it progresses nonetheless,” he said in a video commenting on the news.

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was confident that the agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union was a “good result”. The Brexit deal is, in her view, “of historic significance.”

Merkel said in a short press release: “With this agreement, we lay the foundation for a new chapter in our relations.” The UK will also remain an important partner for Germany and the European Union outside the European Union.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte also spoke of “excellent” news.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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